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A multi-talented platform for all business processes
This month, we proudly celebrate our remarkable six-year journey as a certified partner of DocuWare. When we embarked on this partnership, it was a clear choice to propel our business into the future.

At the time, we believed the Australian business landscape lacked a seamless platform combining intelligent data capture, document management, and automation for streamlined business processes.

Fast forward six years, encompassing thirteen versions and navigating through the challenges of a pandemic, we’ve been privileged to assist dozens of enterprises in their digitisation journey. Today, we stand as a testament to the power of DocuWare, delivering unparalleled functionality in document management and automated business processes across the region.

Our commitment to helping companies digitise their documents and automate critical processes remains steadfast, as there isn’t another document management system in the region that offers comparable capabilities.

Our customers often liken DocuWare to a versatile Swiss army knife. Beyond its intelligent document storage, ensuring easy searchability, compliance, and auditability, it excels in automating key business processes like invoice processing and contract management. This automation significantly enhances efficiency and streamlines operations, eliminating the need for many specialised solutions.

However, the advantages of DocuWare extend further. It’s a catalyst for digital transformation across various departments, from HR and legal to quality assurance. DocuWare’s adaptability knows no bounds, making it the ideal choice for many applications. Rather than investing in separate, specialised software solutions for each department and use case, consider DocuWare your all-encompassing tool for streamlining company-wide processes involving any document or record.

Works across all departments.

Very few processes are confined to a single department in the business world. When relying on highly specialised departmental solutions, you inevitably face the limitations of working within isolated silos. These solutions, aptly termed “isolated solutions,” tend to reinforce the barriers they were designed to overcome.

When you need to find documents or information that spans multiple departments or relates to specific contexts, relying on isolated solutions becomes cumbersome. DocuWare’s comprehensive document management system ensures that you can quickly locate invoices in the context of a contract, track the purchase order for a new hire’s laptop, or access quality test records and delivery notes for recently shipped products. It’s a versatile tool that streamlines these cross-departmental processes, eliminating the need for separate, disconnected solutions.

Cleaner software environment.

When a department approaches software contracts with a narrow mindset, believing it’s solely for their use, it can lead to complications within the broader software environment. This mindset not only confuses the IT department but also raises compliance concerns. Numerous questions emerge, both from an organisational and legal perspective, including:

  • Where will the data be hosted, and does it comply with data sovereignty regulations?
  • Is data processing within the system in line with data protection regulations?
  • Who has access to specific data, and with what privileges?
  • Should user management be the responsibility of IT or the department?
  • Can user synchronisation with an Active Directory be achieved?
  • Is single sign-on a viable option?

With DocuWare as the central system, you establish a strong foundation for system cohesion. Even if departmental autonomy is a priority, you can easily grant department managers specific file cabinet rights, enabling them to create and configure cabinets for their department’s needs. This approach ensures harmony while maintaining departmental control.

Lower costs.

Specialised solutions may appear cost-effective initially, especially if they offer smaller package options. However, it would be best if you often had upgrades sooner than expected due to reaching limits in users, documents, files, processes, or data volume. These seemingly small expenses can accumulate significantly over time.

DocuWare takes a different approach by offering license packages that allow users to scale their cloud solution according to their number of users and document volume. For example, a compliance manager requiring three user licenses for specialised solutions to manage contracts, approve invoices, and access personnel files can achieve the same functionality with DocuWare using a single license for a core application. This approach simplifies licensing and leads to cost savings in the long run.


Suppose additional processes within a business require digitisation and automation after implementing a core application. In that case, at Docuworx, we are delighted to elucidate the diverse capabilities of DocuWare to accommodate various application scenarios and provide advice and guidance on implementing these processes.


Author: Carlos Lucia
Experienced Director with a demonstrated history of working in the document management industry. Skilled in sales, business development, document management solutions, marketing strategy, and building new business. Strong background in business finance and passionate about facilitating companies' digital transformations. Co-founder and Director of Docuworx, an Australian company that facilitates the digital transformations of businesses and organisations across Asia-Pacific.