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More value for businesses with Intelligent Automation.
Since 2017 by implementing DocuWare. Docuworx has assisted many businesses in automating their processes, including accounts payable, employee onboarding and management, and contract management. With the respective companies becoming more profitable, agile, efficient and compliant.

You don’t want to give all employees access to your accounting system, and you don’t want all your staff to know all the ins and outs of the business. But giving staff access to the document management system gives you data control. Also, in most cases, it is cheaper to license than an  ERP.

Making DocuWare, Document Management System, the single source of truth, enforces a centralised document storage model, which means staff don’t need to take extra steps in capturing, managing or searching for records.

Removing these extra steps in a busy work environment simplifies the process where otherwise, staff would rely on using various systems or repositories, such as D365 or unsecured network drives. Equally, it lets employees quickly find information within the Document Management System with Intelligent search and navigation functionality, not having to navigate to a different system for information retrieval.

The focus is on having all the organisation’s critical documents and data stored in a single Document Pool managed according to governance rules in a clearly defined record management structure.

Staff want to know about records management rather than being hidden from them. Because they want assurance that their records are valued, they add to the overall corporate narrative and be confident that they are creating and using the source of truth within the organisation.

Staff also want to know they are using the correct information at the right time in the proper process with confidence there is no data duplication across multiple repositories.

Organisations that try implementing document management using Microsoft 365 or Google sprawl are out of control—resulting in poor navigation or discoverability, poor recall and re-use of information, compromised long-term preservation and disposal, and difficulties in delivering the correct information at the right time.

Getting the correct information at the right time goes beyond ‘just search’. It goes to the heart of what is the trusted source of information and how I can be sure that I am using the trusted source. DocuWare will find any information that matches your search criteria, with the assurance it’s the correct version, approved, and valid information.

DocuWare has APIs and integration capabilities that manage and provides access to multiple endpoints. Connecting information sources and systems allow users to access relevant data or documents. Significantly Docuware knows where vital information is and assures the users they are using the trusted source.


The Right Information at the Right Time

Docuware fulfils this need without other technologies added to ensure it provides a comprehensive single Platform.

Suppose you need an integration framework to ensure access to information in a third-party system. In that case, it blends into the corporate system seamlessly, making it look like it’s part of the application.

The Intelligent Indexing smarts in DocuWare is also essential. It allows the system to automate classification, capture, extract metadata, eliminate duplicates, secure the content, redact things like personal identification information, and much more.

Once the data is known and validated, it provides a non-code or low-code complete graphical workflow with advanced capabilities to quickly automate the process, access and route tasks across all the stakeholders.

In short, Docuware can deliver the correct information at the right time in the context of your business requirements. The underlying records management and information architecture become part of that design to have specific service outcomes for any business.

Even searching for the correct information across multiple repositories becomes easy.


Make DocuWare part of your business infrastructure to change how you manage records using the Document Management System to get a better return on your investment. You will achieve your desired outcome by making DocuWare your Digital Platform within your program.

DocuWare has the capability and the technology to achieve this outcome; it has the API and integration requirements to fit with other enterprise platforms to ensure services are delivered effectively.

In this way, DocuWare will achieve a greater return on investment for years to come.                                               

Author: Carlos Lucia
Experienced Director with a demonstrated history of working in the document management industry. Skilled in sales, business development, document management solutions, marketing strategy, and building new business. Strong background in business finance and passionate about facilitating companies' digital transformations. Co-founder and Director of Docuworx, an Australian company that facilitates the digital transformations of businesses and organisations across Asia-Pacific.