The CFO and their team must provide more strategic direction and deeper insights than ever before, all while budgets remain tight.
So how can you “do more with less” to make your business more efficient and productive?
One big step in your digital transformation journey could be to automate your accounts payable (AP) process.
But before you do so, you will need to build a business case so you can get ‘buy in’ from the C suite.
Docuworx will guide you through each step of the business case process, from determining your department’s biggest needs to preparing an actual process plan which delivers an efficient and transparent outcome for your business.
AP automation makes sense for your accounting team and provides evidence of the company’s potential return on investment (ROI).
We provide the only tool you’ll need to present a solid business case for AP automation.
With the right AP automation tool and a well thought out process plan, your team will no longer spend most of the day doing mundane, manual tasks.
Instead, they can focus on higher-value activities and will be excited to work on new projects to drive your business further.
Key benefits of automating AP:
- Ensure invoices’ accuracy using intelligent indexing to match them with related purchase orders, contracts, or price agreements/ discounts.
- Automatically route invoices through a multi-step approval process
- Easily search invoices after directly importing them
- Post approved invoice amounts directly back to the ERP system
- Drive a profitable receivables process by enhancing productivity and efficiency
Docuworx has all the tools you need to build a business case for an automated AP process.
With our All-in-One Solution you can:
- Robotic Process Automation Take control of your business processes with Automated Workflow Processes
- Document Management
Go paperless and increase efficiency with document management software
- Webforms
Collect information externally and connect your business internally
- Data Capture
Convert the data needed to power your business processes easily and efficiently.
- System Integration
Integrate your existing systems and keep your data accurate and up to date.
The combination of these functions accelerates invoice processes and approvals providing clear cross-department data accountability, allowing for the quick preparation of audits without worrying about unrecorded data or manipulation.
Your business will gain deeper control and better relationships with key suppliers.
Read what our customers say:
Invocare (ASX: IVC), an Australia-listed leading funeral services provider in Asia Pacific, improves AP data accuracy by 80%.
Maggie Beer (ASX: MBH), an Australia-listed food and beverage company that saved on the costs of one full-time employee thanks to Docuworx.